On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 10:46 AM, Erland Lewin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What you call 'standby time' doesn't seem like a very important state to me...

I would disagree that this state(regardless of what you want to call
it) is unimportant.  I think that, while this may be true for the
majority of *closed* phones on the market, the open-ness of the
freerunner will allow this area to grow significantly.  Seeing it as
not simply a cellphone, but more in terms of a general computing
device with great connectivity(GSM, wifi, GPS, bluetooth, etc.), will
allow for uses that might not be completely obvious at the moment.  I
think as the software is further developed, this sort of state will
could more and more important.

I do however agree with your point about the generally accepted
meaning of "Standby time".
I think most other phones talk about battery life in terms of "talk
time" and "standby time" as their two modes of operation.

-Hans Loeblich

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