I use GTD with Tracks, an open source and web-based Getting Things
Done implementation. The new version, 1.5, is particularly awesome.


Once I can persuade my Neo1973 to access the internet, my own Tracks
site will no doubt be the most frequently visited site on the device.
I always have a Firefox tag open with Tracks in while I'm at my

Hosted options exist, and the 1.5 version includes a mobile interface
(that I haven't tried out yet).


On 19/04/2008, Hans L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been reading a book lately called Getting Things Done(henceforth
>  abbreviated as GTD) which basically proposes a strategy for
>  organizing/managing your work and life to be more productive with less
>  stress.  Instead of me attempting to explain it any more, a summary of
>  the ideas behind GTD can be found on the author's website:
>  http://www.davidco.com/what_is_gtd.php
>  and a wikipedia entry for good measure ;-)
>  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getting_Things_Done
>  I'm still working on fully implementing these ideas (been setting up
>  my filing/reference system lately), but it seems to me a device
>  running Openmoko would be the perfect place to do much of this
>  organizing/planning/management.  And while I'm certainly not holding
>  out for my Freerunner before trying these methods, I do think it could
>  make a great addition to this system.
>  So I've basically been thinking, what would the ideal("killer")
>  application for GTD look like?  Since I'm still a newbie to GTD, it's
>  not even completely clear to me what this app should be.  What
>  specific features would be required? Are there currently any
>  applications for Openmoko that come close?  Would it be good to start
>  a project for a GTD-specifc app?
>  I will explain some of the ideas I have in mind, but hopefully some
>  other people on this list have read the book and been using this
>  system for a while and they can chime in with some more input.
>  One thing that I think is emphasized in the book is that whatever
>  implementation you use for GTD, it should strive to be simple and even
>  fun to use, because you want to make a habit of using it and staying
>  organized, rather than finding yourself loathing and avoiding it.
>  I can think of at least two main things that could be useful for GTD
>  on Openmoko:
>  1) Calendar reminders (this is already available in Openmoko from what
>  I've read :-D )
>  2) Lists: specifically *Context Sensitive* Lists
>  It seems large part of GTD is simply about making lists:
>  One aspect is listing all projects you are committed to, and defining
>  the next action steps required to push each project towards
>  completion.
>  Another aspect of GTD is that you need to be reminded of things to do,
>  but only in the appropriate context.
>  Depending on the situation you are in, you need to be able to see a
>  list of relevant tasks that need to be completed:
>  At your phone, you might want to check a list of calls you need to
>  make(calls might also go on a calendar if they need to be at specific
>  times).
>  In your car, you might want to check a list of errands you need to run.
>  At home, you might want to check a list of things that can only be
>  accomplished at home.
>  At a computer, ...
>  etc.
>  What do you think?
>  -Hans Loeblich
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