2008/4/26 David Murrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  do any of you know about the situation on frequencies in nz? i hear telecom
>  and vodafone use different bands, 850 and 900 respectively. is this correct?
>  This is something I've been wondering about as well. It would be
>  particularly nice if I could choose a different provider by switching
>  simcards. I realise this isn't removetly possible with the current cdma
>  phones that telecom has, but the 'next generation cell network' thing sounds
>  like it might be compatable?

yeah, they're finally ditching cdma in a few months, for gsm.
technically we could switch sims to go from one network to the other,
but i think we'd need the original proposed quad-band neo to do that.
need some reliable evidence on which freqs the two companies use

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