2008/5/8 Mo Abrahams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Maybe I am just naïve, but in a community like this I doubt that there
>  will be anybody with malicious intent, I would be semi-willing to
>  purchase phones before receiving money for them, and would also trust
>  another purchaser with my money  before receiving the phone.
>  When the product becomes more popular, it will be more of an issue, but
>  as it stands the only people who will even know about group purchases
>  really DO want a freerunner.

it's not just the trust thing; it's for when things go wrong. there
are many possible slip-ups between california and my house, and i
would prefer knowing that if the unpredictable happens, we're all
covered, and know where we stand.

and US$4000 is a lot of money, for people i don't know; i'm just not
that trusting. nor do i expect the others in my group to hand over
that sort of cash with no cast-iron assurances

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