All of the geeks that I have shown my GTA01 to have been in awe of
it's high-res VGA screen.
Whatever direction OpenMoko wants to go in, I'm sure geeks will always
be a large part of their target demographic.

To touch on Gabriel's comment, WVGA would be the same resolution as
the Nokia N800 series but in a more compact screen.
With that resolution perhaps the GTA03 would start tapping into other
unexpected markets - for example some of the people who like the
internet tablets and also eee-PC type devices. It would contribute to
an incredible portable web-browsing experience (which is what those
other devices are designed for, and why they sell) but in the GTA03 it
would be built into your phone (which makes it the most portable of


2008/6/5 rakshat hooja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> quick question - would you prefer a qvga lcd (save a bit of cost) since
>>> we'e
>>> going to need to software-drive all graphics - the fewer pixels you have
>>> to
>>> fill, the better for speed. i'm really tossing up if the speed of qvga is
>>> worth
>>> the loss of resolution. i'm just not sure.
> I have a Sharp 903 with qvga, 2.4 inch, Nokia N95 with qvga, 2.4 inch and
> the Neo 1973 with VGA, 2.8 inch. By far the best screen for reading is the
> Sharp one. On closer examination you can see pixels which you dont on the
> Neo but the display just feels better, crisper and better on the eyes. When
> you view higher res photos the Neo display seems better but not by much. The
> N95 is also good when you look at it on its own and one has no problems
> reading anything but when kept next to the Neo 1973 and Sharp 903 one can
> tell the display is not in the same league. (the Sharp is also visible in
> the sun though I dont think its trans-reflective)
> The point I am trying to make is that the quality of LCM being used matters
> as much as qvga or vga. Qvga is sufficient for almost all needs on a mobile
> phone size device and would be great if it provides cost and speed
> improvements. But it has to be a really good quality QVGA.
> Personally I love the resolution and form factor of the PSP Slim LCM and
> would love to see something similar on GTA0X.
> Rakshat
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