On Saturday 07 June 2008 00:19:27 Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> > I.e. the problem should be solved by a faster processor with better
> > GPU rather
> > than challenging and and trying to redue user's expectations. Can you
> > build
> > container trucks smaller because then they need much less parking space?
> but when it has been determined that your cpu is not changing - and there
> are no other gpu options to improve things... you only can change
> resolution or speed. which is more important?

Resolution is far more important. And graphics performance will hardly be 
worse than on GTA02, anyhow.

If you go QVGA, you're competing squarely against Moto MING and the like. At 
that point only the most hardcore "gimme OPEN"  crowd (which I estimate to be 
pretty small) will care about GTA03.

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