Andy Powell wrote:

> On Wednesday 11 June 2008 04:47, rakshat hooja wrote:
>> >
>> > I don't know where my NDA stands on this. (I dont have the signed copy
>> > back
>> yet and I guess i wont be posting any more on this once I get it:-) I
>> discussed with a carrier in India and they were as the first offer willing
>> to offer unlimitid data on GPRS/Edge and free incomming for *one year* for
>> about $70 (more than half their normal rate) if their connection is sold
>> with the Freerunner.
> Sounds like you got stuck with the crappy US model contract. AFAIK it's only
> the USA (and now India) where you pay to *receive* calls as well as make
> them. Perhaps we're 'lucky' in Europe where inbound calls cost the callee
> nothing..

I just learned from an overseas friend about this "pay for being called", and
it certainly feels outrageous to someone used to being called for free.

Alas, I guess it is a matter of time that this "feature" arrives over here...

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