On Wednesday 11 June 2008 13:24, cedric cellier wrote:
> -[ Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 11:47:56AM +0100, Andy Powell ]----
> > I'm sorry but you're wrong. While it might eat a little cpu, it's not
> > much. Most of the work is actually done by the graphics card
> Which is just another CPU which also need power. We are speacking
> about embeded devices here.

No, you were saying compiz uses your cpu - we weren't talking about embedded 
devices at all at that stage.

> > [compiz]
> > all these things allow you to manage your workspace better.
> And better yet for productivity, at least for a developper : do not use
> any "workspace" that require management. :-)

Sorry, but that just doesn't make sense at all. If I'm doing web development 
I'll open multiple windows, a browser a couple of shells, if I'm doing c work 
I'll have a couple of shells, possibly glade running... these are all tools 
of the trade and compiz allows good clean management of those windows which 
can be spread over however many faces on your 'cube' you decide to have.

Maybe your laptop has a high res 24" screen where you can position each window 
in free space, mine doesn't.


Andy / ScaredyCat

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