Am So  15. Juni 2008 schrieb Peter J. Holzer:
> On 2008-06-15 02:29:48 -0700, ian douglas wrote:
> > Suppose I could check the project page, but it's 2:30am and I'm tired 
> > and lazy. I was updating and installing some software on my Freerunner 
> > tonight to test mp3 playback and noticed again that there's still no 
> > mention of a cron engine in the opkg library.
> > 
> > Anybody know if it's being worked on? I think that'd be an especially 
> > handy tool to have. I'd go so far as to call it 'essential', at least in 
> > my circumstance.
> I think a straight port of cron would be simple but not very useful.
> Cron is really designed for computers which run 24/7. 
> A cron-like tool for a phone (or any other device which is suspended
> most of the time) at least needs the ability to wake up the device in
> time for a scheduled job to run and go back to suspend mode after it has
> finished. But many jobs usually don't need to run at a fixed time. They
> can just run the next time the device is woken up by the user. Or the
> next time the device has AC power.

Yes, cron, at, and rtcwake have to be merged and augmented by awareness of 
powerstate (like kpowersave e.g) and some other environmental sensitivity 
(g-meters, GSM-signal etc)

I really wonder why THIS wasn't a GSoC project...


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