
I bought a USB gender changer (5€) and today I've played with it to see
what the smartphone's capable of. I really only have one goal and that
is to avoid having to buy a BT keyboard for faster input in the

I've been able to connect two keyboards, they light up but doesn't
"work" in the terminal (FSO). Is there something I can do to enable
input from these external devices?

In X:
Neither keyboard worked = generated characters in the terminal under X. 

If I chvt 1 to the console (actually had to /etc/init.d/xserver-nodm
stop for chvt to work properly):
Characters do appear but the keyboard is not recognized as a swedish
one. I can't get either of € or £ to appear.

I'd be very happy if anyone could tell me what to do.

Thanks in advance,

        Fredrik Wendt

Devices tested: 

lsusb: ID 0781:5406 SanDisk Corp. Cruzer Micro 4GB Flash Drive
dmesg: scsi 5:0:0:0: Direct-Access     SanDisk  U3 Cruzer Micro  4.04
PQ: 0 ANSI: 2
note: memory stick
Seemed to work as it should.

lsusb: ID 1050:0010
dmesg: input,hidraw0: USB HID v1.11 Keyboard [Yubico Yubico Yubikey]
note: miniature keyboard from Yubico.com - used for authentication (I
use it with OpenID)
dmesg happily reports that it's inserted.
Something creates /dev/input/input5 and if I cat/echo that I get data
when the button/key on the Yubikey is pressed.
The terminal doesn't get the input though (having the built in keyboard
visible/hidden makes no difference).

lsusb: ID 0a5c:200a Broadcom Corp. Bluetooth dongle
dmesg: -
note: bluetooth dongle from Broadcom (I've used it extensively listening
to music with my A2DP headset)
Seems to work just fine - dmesg mentions it and hciconfig shows the
device. Will use this interface/device to compare A2DP performance with
the built-in bluetooth interface/device. 

lsusb: ID 04b3:3025 IBM Corp.
dmesg: input,hidraw0: USB HID v1.10 Keyboard [LITE-ON Technology USB
NetVista Full Width Keyboard.]
note: the keyboard I got from Lenovo with my ThinkPad T61
Seems to work just fine. NumLock is lit/turned off when pressed. 
/dev/input/event5 is created when the keyboard is inserted and data
comes running in when keys are pressed.
The terminal doesn't get the input though (having the built in keyboard
visible/hidden makes no difference).

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