2008/8/10 Flyin_bbb8 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hahaha :p
>> iphone geeks :-) (ow, i said it)
The funny thing is, in my idealistic brain, I thought geeks shouldn't even
want the iPhone...  I know I don't want to have anything to do with that
closed system.  I am truly amazed at how many of the geeks I know actually
bought one.  I mean it seems like great hardware, but no way I want to get
locked into _any_ of apples products.  I lose respect for every geek that
buys one.  (talk about ow, yeah I said it... but I guess they're not reading
here anyway)...

And back on topic.  I think that the 2008.08 is definitely a major step
forward.  I have been using it since that morning and have found it to be
better than all the others.  I think their idea of telling people this is
the most stable is because they want everybody on the same page and right
now this is it.  No sense wondering, "should I stick with 2007.02 or ASU or
..."  This is the best we have, please try it...

I think the key thing other than documenting its _beta_ or _developer only_
state is to start improving the build process so that everyone [most of us]
can dive right in and get going helping out.

I really want to help out, but with limited time, I would do a lot better if
we had a very easy way to get started doing the development.  being able to
follow a _simple_ recipe for getting started and running a single script, or
make, rake, etc for doing the build would be great.  And I think creating
everything to work with Eclipse, a _free_ and very _open_ IDE would be a
great place to do this.

Here's to checking out a git version of the project and opening it in
Eclipse and compiling it!

Thanks again,
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