Lynn Nguyen wrote:
> I believe so. I used the openocd.cfg that is given on the wiki. I've even
> followed the steps here:
> which seem to be legit. The step I get stuck on is running openocd. I think
> maybe there is something wrong with the libftdi phase? I'm not sure why I
> think that though. I just think that because I'm installing that by hand as
> opposed to sudo apt-getting it. Is there a way to check that openocd will
> use libftdi?
Hi Lynn Nguyen:
i use "sudo modprobe ftdi_sio vendor=0x1457 product=0x5118"
to make sure openocd use libftdi so i can use something like 
/dev/ttyUSB0 serial console in the debug board
my system is UBUNTU, hope this help.

> Lynn
> On 8/10/08, Neng-Yu Tu (Tony Tu) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi Lynn-
>>> Hi all,
>>> I was wondering, has anyone had any luck connecting their debug board
>>> (v3) to a neo1973? I followed all the instructions here:
>>> (for linux)
>>> but I keep getting 'no valid jtag interface found'. But that doesn't
>>> make any sense because I can see the debug board from my laptop when i
>>> do 'lsusb'. Any ideas? Thanks!
>>> Lynn
>> Does your openocd using correct setting file? v3 board could connect to
>> neo1973, because it basically compatible old boards.
>> --
>> Tony Tu (Neng-Yu Tu)
>> Openmoko, Inc.
>> Support.
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