> * can I change this table order without losing partition data ?


> * can I have Extended partition number (mmcblk0p3 now) to be after the
> logical ones  (so that mmcnlk0p2 and mmcblk0p3 refer to the 2 first
> logical ones, -just the same as in my 512MB card-) ?

nope. the logicla partitions are inside the extended partition -- numbers  
have to be bigger than the number of the extended partition.
if you like partition number independent identifiers use labels -- either  
when creating the xt2 fs or afterwards with tune2fs, argument -L.

> What is "funny" on my ubuntu laptop is that mount points are not
> always in the same order. I have to be carefull !
> (of course I can fix mount points once for all on my pc -and also
> access rights for ext3-, but when I plug the card in another PC, I
> have the problem back...)

you probably need to fix the udev script that creates the mount points.

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