Alex Fitzpatrick wrote:
> Since I replied to this thread earlier I thought I'd continue! :-)
> I installed to the SD card to avoid blowing away my working 2007 config.
> So far this version is working great, with one exception; DNS does not 
> work out of the box, had to add the open dns hack to 
> /etc/network/interfaces...
> - GSM connected out of the box on the first boot with no changes
> - Wireless connected to my open access point on the first try (but no DNS)
> - Able to send a receive phone calls.
> I've now added the DNS hack and I'm working on updating, installing 
> importing contacts and we'll see how it goes.
> To everyone reading this at, this is a huge improvement! 
> Next time listen to your QA about what a "release" means..   :-)

I just wanted to add that I've also generally had a good experience with 
the update.

There is still a lot of outstanding issues, primarily suspend and audio, 
but overall I'm rather impressed. It's really good to have the status 
icons displaying semi relevant information :)

I haven't played with illume-config yet ... kind of expected an 
application icon so I assume it's a command line thing.

Wifi browsing seems to work ok, though it appears to not support wpa yet.

My opinion, as far as the FR as a phone goes, is that the first thing 
that should be addressed is audio. I imagine down the track that audio 
will be configureable via an interface and all these hours we spend 
tweaking will basicaly amount to nothing once a guru has scripted it all 
up. A hundred updates could be released and if you still don't know how 
to stop your ringtone from distorting and your voice from echoing ... 
then there may aswell have been no updates from a consumer perspective. 
I'm actually kinda surprised that gloss gets addressed before core 
functionality. I'd be happy with audio working and a twm frontend with 
like 4 buttons :) ... but that's me.

My personal opinion on the current focus aside, it's a fairly decent 
update. I can actually use this instead of qtopia (with ring off and 
vibrate on, so people don't look at me funny when a distorted mp3 starts 
playing). I haven't tried the raster images however, I'm thinking I'll 
chuck one on the sd card.


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