It seems that the first 25 GTA03 Evaluation Boards have already
arrived to wolfgang on August the 11th [1], so the phone *might*
arrive in shops in december, I think no one knows.


BTW: It is unsure what will be in (what kind of camera, what GSM chip,
and so on), but what won't be there is quite sure:

-No Glamo
-No 3G
-No USB 2.0

2008/8/27 Risto H. Kurppa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 11:54 PM, Ron K. Jeffries <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have a couple of friends who want to buy
>> a GTA03.
> Cool, although as far as I know, it's still a bit unsure what's going
> to be in it..
>> what is best guess on when it will be in mass production
>> and available to purchase?
> Holiday season.. what year :)
> Just a guess, not based on anything but a feeling: I don't expect it
> to arrive before mid-2009 no matter what the promises have been.
> r
> --
> | risto h. kurppa
> | risto at kurppa dot fi
> |
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