On Tue, Sep 09, 2008 at 09:49:22AM -0500, Stephen Shelton wrote:
> I installed 2008.8 last night and GSM worked well immediately on boot. I did a
> number of things, particularly opkg update / opkg upgrade (although the latter
> output nothing).
> After rebooting, gsm ceased to work. I pull up it's log and keep seeing output
> attributed to a machine_gta01.c. Perhaps said code should work wight gta02, 
> but
> regardless the gsm is not working. Here is my log file about 8 minutes into
> restarting gsm:
> Tue Sep  9 09:30:25 2008 <6> log.c:106:gsmdlog_init() logfile successfully 
> opened
> [...]
> ...and this pattern continues...
> Any hints would be appreciated.

Do you have gsmd and qtopia-phone-x11 installed at the same time? The
two packages are conflicting, because qtopia has its own GSM stack. So
if this is the case, deinstall either one of them.


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