On Thu, 25 Sep 2008 17:06:11 +0200 Petr Vanek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> babbled:

> Raster, this is awesome, really :)


> One thing though (perhaps discussed previously... i don't know): i can
> see you have a lot of apps installed. I do the same and then it is

that's only because its running on my desktop finding all desktop apps
installed... seriously i wouldn't expect such a list to be installed on a phone
in reality. how many do you really need and use...? but... that's beside the

> really hard to scroll and not to miss and then, by so many scrolls
> around, i usually accidentally trigger another app. I even tried
> setting double tap :) What about paging while scrolling? Going up or
> down given pages seems easier for me than having to scroll around and
> always miss... or?

i don't plane to touch the launcher as it is as it is just a filemanager icon
view widget. i do intend to actually pretty much nuke it in favor of a much
better launching mechanism/idea. not just launching apps too - though i now
note that android is kin of doing this (put not just apps but contacts, clocks,
calendars etc. on your "home screen" anywhere u like - and at any size). a
launcher with a list of apps could be once such "desktop gadget" type - but i
think from a usability perspective forcing users to live with a bunch of apps
to launch as their "desktop" (home screen) isn't long-term good. its good for a
quick "ok - here u are. something that works". so not going to do much to it as
its really destined to become something entirely different.

> --
> Petr Vaněk
> http://biodynamika.cz
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The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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