Hi folks,

after the confusion on the last few days now i am happy to announce a
new version of the openmoko-panel-plugin. the panel-plugin is a little
peace of software to show and modify you the state of the hardware in
you freerunner(i.e. gsm, gps ...). it should work with any gtk based
windowmanager (i.e. xfce). 

you should now simply get the new version(0.5) through the debian
repository(apt-get install openmoko-panel-plugin) or via

   * this is a complete rewrite of the software. now it is much
     cleaner and better to extend
   * changed the distribution from unstable to pkg-fso
   * new battery-icons
   * extended suspend-behaviour:
   *   on suspend: turning off wifi, bt, gps and sending
   *     to gsm
   *   on resume: restoring previous power-state of wifi, bt, gps
   *     and sending dbus.prepareresume to gsm
   * enabled shutdown-button in power-button-window
   * new high-contrast version
   * added configWriter to save changed configs to ~/.panel-pluginrc
   * added config-area for selection of active icons
   *   (order of icons is planned but not implemented yet)
   * added new 'icon' for button-handling:
   *   aux:
   *     on short press: keyboard-toggle
   *     on longer press (>2 sec) window (for now only with
close-button) opens
   *   power:
   *     on short press: for now nothing happens
   *     on longer press (>2 sec) window with buttons opens:
   *       suspend (functional)
   *       shutdown (for now non-functional)
   *       close (closes window)
   * added entries for buttons (aux, power)
   * config-window
   * some more gsmIcon updates:
   *   corrected dbus-callback-function-header
   *   added location area code (if available from dbus)
   *   now choosing right icon for gsm turned off
   *   corrections to gsmStatus-update work properly
   *   added some try-blocks around file-io to prevent IO-timeouts
   *     main-thread
   * added battery-notification
   * update to BatteryWindow to reduce resource-usage when BatteryWindow
   * extended BatteryIcon to show more battery-status in a window and
   *   chargingMode (100, 500, 1000mA)
   * added BrightnessIcon and corrected some threading-related stuff
   * hold the aux button for more than 2 seconds to enable/disable
   * extended GSM-Icon to show network-status
   *   (un)registered
   *   provider
   *   signal-strength
   *   cellid
   * for tooltip and notification
   * made notification optional - when python-pynotify is installed
   * keyboard icon

 Sebastian Ohl

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