It was indeed the WiFi. I had to delete the entire configuration in
order to shut it down :S

Kishore wrote:
> On Wednesday 12 Nov 2008 1:15:35 am Pander wrote:
>>> QtE also has way better battery life than anything else I've tried - I
>>> can go 36 hours or more without having to plug in the phone.
>> really, mine is out of power in about 8 hours :( but I'm using 4.4.2
>> with mwester's kernel.
> Be doubly sure that wifi is not enabled. If ever once enabled, you need to 
> reboot or wifi never really goes off even if the GUI says so. With wifi on I 
> get 
> about 5-6 hrs but otherwise I echo Warren's experience. Battery comfortably 
> last over 48 hrs.

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