The Best SID ever is the theme from R-Type, IMHO. It also makes a 
fantastic ringtone. The only problem with having this as a ringtone is 
that you tend not to answer the phone because you're boogie-ing along to 
the awesome ringtone.

Other notable Sids include music from:
- IK+ (International Karate Plus)
- Maniac Mansion
- Robocop
- Bubble bobble
There are literally thousands of SIDs available. To find them, you 
really can't go past the High Voltage Sid Collection, which somebody 
else linked to. When it came out, the SID chip in the c64 was considered 
a very advanced sound chip, so the C64 music scene thrived. There are 
still people (like me!) who still listen to sid files to this day.

If you can't be bothered looking at the thousands of sids in the HVSC, 
try checking out the top 100:

I was gratified to see all of my recommendations except for bubble 
bobble and maniac mansion in the top 100.

If you can't be bothered testing each SID tune on your Neo, get yourself 
a sid player plugin for your audio software (personally, I use XMMS and 
the XMMS-SID plugin) to listen to them on your PC. There are also 
standalone SID players if you can't find a plugin.


> Hi,
> I'm looking for a new ringtone (I like the arkanoid theme, but I need  
> a change).  If you have one you like, could you let me (us) know?
> Tobias mentions a place to find .sids in his email below -- I just  
> couldn't go through all of them.
> Thanks,
> Eric
> Tobias Gruetzmacher wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Here is a patch for frameworkd that allows to inject gstreamer options
>> into file names for the audio playing service. I wrote it because I
>> wanted to use the title music from Giana Sisters as a ring tone, which
>> is tune number 5 in Great_Giana_Sisters_PSID.sid ;)
>> This patch is very generic to allow any option to be injected from the
>> file name. It may be desirable to restrict this to specific options, but
>> currently this allows everything, so you can easily break playing
>> altogether...
>> So if you really want to hear "Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit" in
>> glorious 3-channel SID, grab yourself a copy of
>> place it in /usr/share/sounds and set "Summer_Games.sid;tune=5" as your
>> ring tone.
>> Or a manic laughter when an SMS arrives? Try
>> and set "Ghostbusters_PSID.sid;tune=4" as your message tone.
>> Well, you get the idea. :)
>> Since I'm not very fluent with Python, please point out anything I might
>> have done wrong. Hope you like the patch.
>> Greetings, Tobias
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