I'm planning to make an open hardware design for something like this and
have it manufactured by a 3D printer. Anyone can have it manufactured at
a place like http://www.shapeways.com/

At the moment I'm waiting to get some help to get started, see

Christopher Friedt wrote:
> Wouldn't it be great to have a moulded plastic stand that would just
> clip into place on the back of the FreeRunner or Neo1973, so that you
> could rest it on a table in widescreen mode, and have it sit at a
> comfortable angle?
> Maybe it's a good 'extra' to include int the box for GTA03 :)
> Nokia has had a 'desk stand' on their internet tablets since the N770.
> In the mean time, I'm sure I can work out something using a small
> triangular piece of wood, crazy glue, a slice from my girlfriend's
> yoga mat, and velcro :)
> C
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