Suspend does not work while only on battery yet? How long is the battery life? Only a few hours I imagine.

jon wrote:
i haven't any obvious problems with shr, its working great. There are however some things still needed to be done in the way of power management... i.e. allow suspend when powered only by battery is yet to be implemented, although the framework for doing such a thing seems to be in place.

On Friday 23 January 2009 17:06:09 Matthew Lane wrote:
How is suspend on SHR?  Is it working well?  If telephony, SMS, etc. are
working great, then I might consider switching to SHR as a daily phone!

Paul wrote:
<div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">Wow. The
phone works nicely. I did not hear a buzz, echo or other annoying sounds.
Also SMS/text messaging incoming and outgoing works!

Have not taken the time to try GPS yet, as that is not important for
me, but I may, soon. ;-)

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