Sorry for you, hope you will be over it soon and up and running with a
new one.

For any ideas regarding this issue, please document them in the Wiki:

fredrik normann wrote:
> I'm a bit sad today, yesterday someone stole my phone. I helped a guy in
> the street calling his girlfriend, (or that what he said) and when I got
> distracted by a friend of him that asked for a cigarette he just ran
> away.... I can only blame my self for being stupid.... This happend in
> Montevideo Uruguay.
> This episode made me think of having some kind of tracking program.
> This is the idea:
> When someone inserts a new simcard that is not authorized in someway, it
> will start to send it's position via sms to a predefined number or a
> sms-email gateway. This program could easily be disabled by a
> knowledgeable user but when random people just take your phone, you can
> asume that they don't know how to flash the phone.
> This is a very rough description of the idea, but I've just been
> thinking about it today... It's really sad to not have a Neo anymore
> when I finnaly started to love my phone and I don't have money to buy a
> new one... gaaaaaaaaah
> -fredrik-normann-
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