Looking at this thread and thinking about buying a phone(frankly am fed
up with the one I have atm).

I think I'll wait for a GTA03... From reading the wiki[1,2] pages it seems
it'll get a lot of new hardware in it and that the requirement for that
seems to also be fully Free hardware. Atleast based on the chip scouting
part of MokoForesight[2].

Looking at any time frame I'd be willing to wait for a truly fixed up
and working GTA03 with a fully Free setup on all possible layers.

The one thing I find absent in every design is a plain old phone keypad.
Maybe a slider design to pull it out from underneath or such like.

That being said I still might buy a GTA02+dev board if I'll have the
means. Else I can wait until the team decides that the new device is
ready, willing and able to pull off a dumb user usage scenario ;)

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

[1] http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/GTA03
[2] http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/MokoForesight

Andraž "ruskie" Levstik
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