On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 01:19:52PM +0200, Helge Hafting wrote:
> Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio wrote:
> > Hello, list:
> >  
> > has anyone ever accessed the internet via wifi from the Freerunner? If 
> > so, which distro was it? Does it work only with some particular (few?) 
> > routers?
> I have done it, with SHR.
> There are a few quirks. work around them, and it is no worse than
> any other linux distro. The quirks I have seen:
> 1. The wireless does not work after the phone wakes from suspend.
>     And I don't mean it lost the association, wifi cannot be
>     brought up at all. Very irritating, for wpa_supplicant can
>     re-associate automatically _if_ the chip & driver itself works.
>     Workaround: unload the ar6000 module and reload it. Then
>     it works as usual. The problem is, it has to be done manually
>     and the phone is almost always sleeping (as it should), so
>     this workaround has to be done all the time. which is why I
>     don't normally use wifi. :-(
>     Considering that the workaround is so simple, fixing
>     the kernel should be simple too. Drivers have hooks
>     for suspend/resume. So just make the resume handler
>     do exactly the same initialization as when the module
>     is loaded. wpa_supplicant can then do the rest, any association
>     will be lost anyway after a long sleep.

Just this morning, with SHR 2009/08/08:
        1. resume
        2. enable wifi in shr-settings
        3. use mofi to connect
        4. profit

Could it be that mofi uses some of the workarounds?

connman+mokonnect has never worked on my Freerunner, I'm willing to
try new versions if they're already in the shr-u repo because mokonnect
seems much more better in terms of usability (but unfortunately doesn't WFM).


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