On Tue, Nov 03, 2009 at 12:15:11PM +0100, David Reyes Samblas Martinez wrote:
> Regarding licensing , well  until OM or/and Wikipiedia doesn't say the
> contrary (for example considering Wikireader as an extension of the
> Wikipedia and allow all wikipedia image to be on Wikireader) we must
> stay in the save side so only explicitly free licenced images will be
> safe to use, I'm working on the
> http://download.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/enwiki-latest-image.sql.gz
> table to know how many pictures  we are talking about.
> Also some way to not infringe the authoring and licencing text
> includings clauses must be used by the images viewer. but I guess it
> can be done by links to text as other wikipage more.

The problem isn't so much about WikiMedia or OpenMoko, but that the
original authors did not free the images.

As such, whilst maybe they can be on Wikipedia, which is on a non-profit
environment, distributing on the WikiReader (which is for-profit) may
be legally problematic.

If there's a way to automatically determine if the image is safe to copy
(for instance, being licensed with a good CC license like by, by-sa) then
it's doable. If not... it requires a lot of human filtering...


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