Am 13.01.2012 21:35, schrieb Matthias Apitz:
- during call establishing I can't hear any RING in my FR
- when call is picked up I can't hear anything

incoming calls are announced as normal (vibrate and ring.wav) and as
well I can play ring.wav in the profile settings dialog, but they are
played from the speakers in the lower part of the FR, I think;

what do you think, a hardware fault or software? how can I check if the
headphone is still working?

if software, what are my option? re-install SHR from scratch?
I experienced something similar and overwriting SHR helped (testing-2011.1), of course after backing up the contacts etc. It seemed to me as if it was related to using intone and/or podboy, but I could neither find the cause of it nor any other symptoms like changed files.


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