On Monday 16 January 2012 14:24:38 Martix wrote:
> Dne 16.1.2012 09:31, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller napsal(a):
> > (...) But the poll result indicates this is the
> > way we should go. Really?
No. Not if I'm concerned.

> > I wonder how the community thinks it can be done at such low prices?
> Learn some pragmatic approach: http://www.raspberrypi.org/archives/509
> Manufacturing in China is not always done under bad employees conditions.
But quality control, as well as working condition, is an issue that is 
difficult to check without physically being around. 
> Also Raspberry Pi for $25/$35 is too expensive. 
The price level for the Raspberry Pi is possible because the closed, 
undocumented chip is sponsored by Broadcom, and the board is produced in 10k 
volumes (as you probably are aware).

> The Allwinner A10 board
> with ARM Cortex-A8 and MALI400MP 3D graphics (with Open Source userspace
> driver) could be manufactured for $15.
> I know, it's just a CPU board, but what is your manufacturing price for
> just a GTA04's CPU board without peripherals?
See a previous mail from Christoph; about 500 euro per 8-layer PCB (EMTPY! No 
chip placed yet!) in small volumes. The board is close to what is technically 
possible, not counting eg aerospace (space would have a lower complexity, but 
for the sake of argument). 

One reason for the complex design of the Phoenux is minimization (case 
restrictions on the one hand, and general minimization on the other). 

The designs for the allwinner_a10 hope to use a 2-layer board, of which two 
PCMCIA-sized boards are needed (one CPU/graphics board, one periphal board 
with RF chips, USB and so on). See [1], [2] for images.

The project certainly looks interesting, but it is not yet in a state where 
GTA04 was over 2 years ago (remember that during FOSDEM 2010 there was a 
working prototype of GTA04, already further miniaturized than the design at 
elinux.org aims for). 

[1] http://elinux.org/File:A10_eoma_pcmcia_laptop.png
[2] http://elinux.org/Embedded_Open_Modular_Architecture/EOMA-68/Tablet

> I think GTA05 could be done more competitive.
> PS: I'd like to donate to Kickstarter campaing for making complete GTA05
> device under 300 €.
Of course we're on the same side: everyone on the list "desperately" wants an 
open communications device, preferably with enough toys on it to make it even 
more fun. I think the goals you set are not realistic; a sub-300€ GTA05-device 
might bear the name, but not the ideals of an Openmoko device I think.

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