roh, gismo and myself (at least) have root on all the boxes.

There is no prescribed contact procedure, and there is nobody who is
even officially supposed to maintain the machines and/or the software
and configurations on them.

roh and gismo used to be doing paid syssadmin work for Openmoko Inc.,
until the company pulled out of mobile phones.  After that, roh and
gismo have still been able to continuing to donate some of their spare
time to it, but with a lot of other involvements, the amount of time
available for that is probably just the bare minimum to keep things
alive, and not any major migrations.


I am system administrator and OpenMoko/GTA02 user/developer. I am working in Magento inc. and my primary job is web and related areas. I have experience with RHEL/Debian/FreeBSD/OpenSolaris. Also i am participating in some Open Source projects, e.g. smartmontools or FreeBSD.

I would be glad to help with system administration of OpenMoko servers, because i am very interested in this project and want to help it somehow. If you need more information about me - please contact me directly, using samm [at] address.

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