On 02/06/12 17:36, pike wrote:

... We arent voting,
but if we were, Phonix would be my #1
(phone,unix,phoenix), and Phonux #2

Actually I agree, OpenPhonix is good, better than OpenPhonux.

It's nearer to "phoenix" in English AND German (where it can be spelled with an o-umlaut instead of oe?) and broadening from linux to *nix in general can only be good. NetBSD anyone? And in the future, maybe those new microkernels like L4 and Minix3? But we do know it will be a *nix of some kind.

Also, if I say Phonux and Phonix, I find myself not pronouncing the second vowel very clearly. Because it's not stressed it comes out more as an "uh" sound than a clear vowel, and I think someone half-hearing me would be more likely to guess "ix" than "ux". So I think the pronunciation suggests the spelling better with OpenPhonix, and it's easy to remember the correct spelling after only a quick glimpse of the word (not true of OpenPhoenux, I think ... :) ).

And, the other way round, I think native speakers of a lot of different languages would end up reading OpenPhonix aloud in the same way. The fact that we English-speakers have just found out that we've been mispronouncing "OpenPhoenux" all this time means (I think) that there is room for improvement here.

And, to a stranger to the project, it presents the most important information first: it's an OpenPhone, using Unix. Once they learn more, the fact that it sounds like "phoenix" said in German (most appropriate!) will emerge like a sort of good aftertaste.

So, we aren't voting, but if we were, I would be switching my vote to OpenPhonix.

On 11/06/12 22:58, pike wrote:
> Hi
> I feel sort of idiot trying to emphasize how important
> I think this is. But I do. Here I go again.
> It's the first impression. All the connotations that
> bubble up with the name, define, in a split second,
> just how much attention people are going to give it.
> And all those split seconds together could
> make the difference between a thriving userbase
> or a bunch of hardcore hobbyists.
> Both are great goals ofcourse. But if you want to
> "change the world fundamentally", take the branding
> seriously all the way. Learning from Apple ?
> $2c,
> *-pike

I agree with all of this. Words are important, and naming is important. Worth a bit of discussion, anyway.

Nick Sheppard

PS: Google gives only two hits for "openphonix". One is a misspelling for "openphonyx", which is in use, and the other seems to be a Twitter id.

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