Hi Brian

GTA04 over wifi, connecting to my IMAP server with TLS. Thunderbird on my laptop works, and Mutt on the gta04 works, but qtopiamail doesn't. I get this error message:

new Qtopia: socketError: 13 : "Error during SSL handshake: error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure"

My misadventures with this have left me perplexed; I don't really understand
why it works now after so very may fails - and this against the earlier
experience of it never having caused a second thought on v35 for instance.

I conclude that is a generic error message that doesn't really point to
the problem and I *think* in my case the fix must have been to select the
appropriate login method. I believe desktop clients do that automatically (
at least sylpheed does) so I'd no prior reason to engage with this issue. I
do think that the lack of ca-certificates was part of the problem.

I probably confused things by trying against 3 different smtp servers -
maybe each one needs a different method setting and I previously failed to
hit on a winning combo.

If you like, I can post a copy of my qtopiamail.conf, which works with a
fastmail smtp account.

David Matthews

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