Am 29.03.2013 14:10, schrieb Matteo Zaffonato:
On 29/03/2013 13.58, Sebastian Reinhardt ha scritto:
So only one dream is left:
- contact/ task/ calender- sync. with Thunderbird/Lightning under Linux
If you have a Google account you can install ics2openmoko to synchronize Google Calendar and Google Task with your Openmoko with Qtmoko installed.


I know this sync capability. But there is no need to give Google these data, too! They know too much, already!

Yes, I know about the problems with metal cases and antennas. The "egg-phones" (german: "Ei"=> ;-) ) had some problems in past and they try to solve it by platic covers etc., but this is an differnet thing....... The wish for an metal case is due to my work condition. I am employed by an farm machine dealer and some of our mechanics like to drive over phones with harvester or tractor, somtimes :-) But not with my Moko!

About my wish list: everybody is free to complete it. I like to get back the hand writing input, too and many other things. Maybe, we should start an wish list with voting/ weighting for future development on QtMoKo's/ GTA04's website (incl. possibility for "growd funding")...?

@Radek: If it helps, I can donate an VKB to You, no problem. But one thing I can not donate is: time. I need some for my self.......


Sebastian Reinhardt

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