Am 22.08.2013 21:44, schrieb Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller:
Am 22.08.2013 um 21:28 schrieb Bob Ham:

On Thu, 2013-08-22 at 21:19 +0200, Sebastian Krzyszkowiak wrote:

Well, there are (or were) complete phones based on GTA04 available to
buy from Golden Delicious, so yes, OpenPhoenux has already achieved
"production of any phone".
The phones consisted of GTA04 motherboards inside second-hand GTA01/02
cases.  These cases were produced by Openmoko, not "OpenPhoenix".
Producing new cases is a matter of enough money, not of capabilities...

-- hns
The case is a good topic for further discussion: A new case, espacially Radek's ALU case, in combination with new, easy aviailable hardware components, and an sunlight readable display, should make the Moko more attractive. Due to the PRISM's and lack of free phones, there should be a real chance to acquire more users.

Kind regards

Sebastian Reinhardt

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