
I'm posting the recent announcements from the Neo900 project here, for
your information.

Also, if you're interested in the state of the project, see our "July Trilogy":

* Part I: The Past - http://neo900.org/news/july-trilogy-part-i-the-past
* Part II: The Present - http://neo900.org/news/july-trilogy-part-ii-the-present
* Part III: The Future - coming soon!

-- Transfer period ends Friday, August 8 --

When the reorganization began, we announced that all donations that
had been made to Golden Delicious Computers GmbH (GDC) and were
subsequently transferred to Neo900 UG would retain the same benefits
as the original donation, both regarding the original amount and the
original date.

Since the reorganization is long over, it's time to also end this
transfer period.
Therefore, all donations sent after Friday August 8, 2014 will be
considered as "new".

This means that, if you still have a donation pending at GDC and have
not asked for a transfer to Neo900 UG yet, you still have time to do
so without losing any benefits.

Likewise, if you have requested a refund (to you) instead of a
transfer to Neo900 UG, but wish to rejoin the project, then please
transfer the refunded amount to Neo900 UG before the deadline.

Further details on transferring donations from GDC can be found here:

Two examples:

1) If you donated EUR 200 in January and asked GDC to transfer the
donation to Neo900 UG, we will have received about EUR 173.60 and we
will treat this as a donation of EUR 200 made in January.

2) If you donated EUR 200 in January, have not decided yet, but will
ask GDC in the middle of August - after the deadline - to transfer
your donation to Neo900 UG, we will treat this as a donation of EUR
173.60 made in August.

-- EUR 1500+ donations: "pioneering" period ends --

As you will remember, donors who donated EUR 1500+ can ask for one
prototype kit at their choosing, plus one final device. This is
intended as a "pioneer" benefit for early supporters.

Since the pioneering days are long over, we want to update the
conditions that will apply to future donations of EUR 1500+ or more.

For current donors, everything stays the same.
However, from now on donations of EUR 1500+ will still be good for a
prototype kit, but will no longer include a final device.

Of course, no EUR 1500+ donor is obliged to ask for a prototype kit.
Anyone who doesn't get a prototype kit will have their donation
treated as a regular EUR 100+ donation.

Please note that prototypes will have to be requested before the
prototype run since we can't be sure to have any spares. If you're
interested in requesting a v2 prototype, please contact us at
cont...@neo900.org as soon as possible to discuss further details.

The Neo900 team

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