>I'm impressed by‎ your dedication and detail, and I partly enjoy reading 
>your updates

+1 but s/partly/entirely [although I also didn't enjoy reading threats :-)]

Lets not forget - just one man working doggedly on the only project that offers 
any possibility of a cell phone running firmware that offers the four freedoms.

In recognition of the fact that this project is going beyond the leo2moko 
firmware port and the freerunner itself, I've updated the links to the howtos I 
wrote for the existing firmware and tools that Michael has released:-


(formerly http://matthews.pm/leo2moko.html)

There should not be any broken links, but if you do see any, please let me know.

Finally, please do donate generously - to Michael, not myself ^_~

David Matthews

Openmoko community mailing list

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