
During the spring cleaning i found an openmoko holder with a belt clip. [1,2,3] If someone is interested, i am happy to send it to you, if you pay the postage and package costs.
( bitcoin is fine, and SEPA too )
I am living in Delft, the netherlands, (europe) so the closer you are, the cheaper it will be :-)
( and if you live real close you can come and pick it up in person )

Perhaps you can use it for a gta04.

Kind regards,

[1] http://phranky.kapitein.org/images/IMG_20170406_212024.jpg
[2] http://phranky.kapitein.org/images/IMG_20170406_212055.jpg
[3] http://phranky.kapitein.org/images/IMG_20170406_212128.jpg

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