Le 05/02/2011 15:17, Stefan Kaitschick a écrit :
You really mean enthalpy?
I thought entropy of information was more applicable here than enthalpy
of formation. :-)

(i don't get your joke, but this due to my poor english understanding :) )

Yes i mean (as Nick did) enthalpy

Temperature of the game is known to be the "miai value" (cf senseis.xmp.net)

i guess entropy can be defined quite easyly. It is a mesure of the disorder, linked to number of cross cuts, number of groups, and probably has a mathematical definition that could be directly applied , even if not perfectly fitting go.

And Energy (Enthalpy, Gibbs or Helmoltz free energy) is linked to how boring a game is :-) low free energy = boring, nothing can happen, the game is frozen.

I think that pro games generally have high values for all, whereas boring low kyu game have low values.


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