Jeremy Salch wrote:
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Yea I have done that, I believe it is the "DisplaySize" attribute. The funny thing is that it does detect it correctly. I have to forge a false display size to make the fonts appear "in scale" at 1600x1200
or at something smaller like 800x600.

On Thursday 27 March 2003 05:15 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 15:10:46 -0800 (PST), Jeremy Salch wrote:

To add on to this..    at the resolutiono of 1024x768 things
seem to look the best..  as I go down in resolution to 800x600
the fonts get REALLY small inside of konqueror and kmail.
and it seems as i go up in resolution from 1024x768 they
get REALLY BIG.     Is this normal ?    I guess I never noticed
anything before because my last laptop had a 1024x768
screen.  This is on a Dell Inspiron 8200

On Thursday 27 March 2003 04:05 pm, Jeremy Salch wrote:

The fonts seem way out of proportion at 1600x1200

Inside of kmail and konqueror all of the fonts are huge.
They seem a lot bigger than they need to be.  Anyone
else see this ?

It sounds like you need to tell X the size of the display. The defaults being right for 1024x768 sounds about right. The font size is being scaled wrong because it thinks the display is smaller than it really is, nad it's trying to make the font look right at that size. I'm not on my Linux machine right now, so I can't tell you what to change. Should be in the information for the XF86Config or XF86Config-4 file.

Paul Misner

If you want font scaling with resolution, you need to set DisplaySize in millimetres XF86Config-4 (in "Monitor" Section), e.g.:

DisplaySize 290 219

as well as DPI in /etc/X11/Xresources, e.g.:

Xft.dpi: 124

The value to assign to Xft.dpi is taken from:

xdpyinfo |grep resolution


resolution: 124x124 dots per inch


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