Frederic Crozat wrote:

Please wait until 9.2 is out and cooker is unfrozen.. I didn't put it in
jabber package because it requires its own jabberd implementation. Has
this changed ?

Well, yes, it has its own jabberd daemon, but I renamed it and I'm using it alongside the standard one (after all even icqv7-t has itw own daemon).
Considering that cooker is frozen and jabber is in main, I've packaged jit separately so it could go in contribs.

I would really prefer you keep it outside contrib and we will merge it
directly into jabber main package when cooker is unfrozen..

I don't really like these SRPMs which cobble together different packages (even if they're related), but since my solution works for me I'm happy and I'll just wait.

Que les importa a las viudas, a los huérfanos, a los desvalidos
si las masacres se hacen en nombre del totalitarismo o en el
sagrado nombre de la libertad y la democracia.
    Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948)

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