On Wednesday 29 October 2003 5:10 pm, Eric Fernandez wrote:
> John Allen wrote:
> >WTH does that mean
> >
> >How can a public ftp server contain leaked version of Mandrake 9.2?
> I correct myself : leaked bittorrent links (available to non-members).

Well bitttorrent has nothing to do with it; the Mandrake mirrors have 
effectively had 9.2 since cooker was frozen, so anybody could make the ISO's 
themselves. Admittedly they would not be identical to Mandrake's ISO's but 
they would contain fundamentally the same RPMS, and therefore the same 

> Eric

John Allen,                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
MandrakeClub Silver Member.          http://allentech.homelinux.org/

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