Thanks, this is what I have tried to find out. I hope this kind of functionality could be integrated in future to printerdrake. (or configurations/gnome menu)


Buchan Milne wrote:
Hash: SHA1

FACORAT Fabrice wrote:

Le jeu 30/10/2003 à 01:40, lamikr_mdk a écrit :

I tried to change the printer settings in the ggv (ggv-

from "/usr/bin/lpr" to xpp but the settings does not store.

If I try to print or go to check out settings again, "/usr/bin/lpr"
is back...

Does anybody know where ggv stores config files, maybe I could then
try to change this setting manually.

this cooker, not expert/confirme/...

see in gconf-editor -> apps -> ggv -> printing -> command key

Or, to do this system-wide:

# update-alternatives --config lpr

There are 3 programs which provide `lpr'.

  Selection    Command
- -----------------------------------------------
      1        /usr/bin/lpr-xpp
*+    2        /usr/bin/lpr-cups
      3        /usr/bin/lpr-kprinter

Enter to keep the default[*], or type selection number:

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