Götz Waschk wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 28. November 2002, 09:40:23 Uhr MET, schrieb Adam Williamson:

If I understand this Changelog correctly...is this the start of
complying with the new MPEG4 licensing stuff? DivX4 and XviD decoding
functionality appears to have been disabled from the .mdk build and is
built only in the .plf build now, is this correct?

No, DivX4 and Xvid have never been in main. I've disabled them for the
plf release this time, because they aren't included in this version.
But there's ffmpeg included in xine, just like in mplayer.
What i sthe difference from point of view of license/patents between libavcodec of ffmpeg and xvid? Both seems implementing an MPEG4 codec. Both seems GPL (xvid) or LGPL (libavcodec). In xvid furthermore there is forbid of distribution in JAPAN and USA due to section 8 of GPL.

Divx4/Divx5 instead is available only as binary only library.


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