Tobias, I agree with your evaluation.

My only concern is that @Stable doesn't work for AtomicReferenceArray, so JIT doesn't see what is stored in the array. Maybe use a lock instead?

Best regards,
Vladimir Ivanov

On 5/14/14 2:33 PM, Tobias Hartmann wrote:
Hi Remi,

sorry, I accidentally reverted that part.. Here is the correct webrev:


On 14.05.2014 12:04, Remi Forax wrote:
your patch doesn't work !

the array is still allocated as an classical array in the constructor.


Envoyé avec AquaMail pour Android

Le 14 mai 2014 11:04:41 Tobias Hartmann <> a
écrit :


please review the following patch for bug 8005873.


The test creates multiple threads (~500) that repeatedly execute
invokeExact on a method handle referencing a static method. The call
to invokeExact is performed through an optimized inline cache
(CompiledStaticCall) that points to the LambdaForm generated for the
method handle. The IC is first set to interpreted code by
CompiledStaticCall::set_to_interpreted(...) but soon updated to refer
to the compiled version of the lambda form (-Xcomp).

Because tiered compilation is enabled, the VM decides to compile the
LambdaForm at a different level and sets the old version to
not-entrant. The next call through the IC therefore triggers a
re-resolving of the call site finally performing a Java upcall to
java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleNatives::linkMethod(...) (see call
sequence [1]). A *new* LambdaForm is returned and
CompiledStaticCall::set_to_interpreted(...) is executed again to
update the IC. The assert is hit because the callee differs.

The problem is that there are multiple LambdaForms created for the
same invokeExact instruction. Caching in the Java runtime code should
guarantee that only one LambdaForm is created and reused.
Instrumenting Invokers::invokeHandleForm(...) shows that almost all
requests result in a cache miss and return a new LambdaForm.

This behaviour is caused by a race condition in
Invokers::invokeHandleForm(...). Threads may initially see a cache
miss when invoking MethodTypeForm::cachedLambdaForm(...), then create
a new LambdaForm and call MethodTypeForm::setCachedLambdaForm(...) to
update the cache without checking it again. In a high concurrency
setting, this leads to multiple LambdaForms being created for the
same invokeExact instruction because the cache entry is overwritten
by multiple threads.


An AtomicReferenceArray is used to cache the LambdaForms and
.get(...) and .compareAndSet(...) are used to retrieve and update the
cache entries. This allows only one thread to set the LambdaForm that
is then being used by all instances of the invokeExact.

- Failing test (vm/mlvm/meth/stress/jni/nativeAndMH)
- Nashorn + Octane

Many thanks to Christian Thalinger and Vladimir Ivanov!


[1] Call sequence of reresolving the IC target
-> SharedRuntime::reresolve_call_site(...)
-> SharedRuntime::find_callee_method(...)
-> SharedRuntime::find_callee_info_helper(...)
-> LinkResolver::resolve_invoke(...)
-> LinkResolver::resolve_invokehandle(...)
-> LinkResolver::resolve_invokehandle(...)
-> LinkResolver::lookup_polymorphic_method(...)
-> SystemDictionary::find_method_handle_invoker(...)
-> Java upcall to java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleNatives::linkMethod(...)
-> Invokers::methodHandleInvokeLinkerMethod(...)
-> Invokers::invokeHandleForm(...)


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