Hi Masayoshi,

Thank you for pointing that out. I have removed line 29 from the test.

Please review the updated Webrev: 


-----Original Message-----
From: Masayoshi Okutsu 
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 8:18 AM
To: Ramanand Patil; i18n-...@openjdk.java.net
Cc: core-libs-dev@openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: <i18n dev>RFR: JDK-8144988: Unexpected timezone returned after 
parsing a date

Hi Ramanand,


   28  * @run main Bug8141243
   29  * @run main/othervm -Djava.locale.providers=COMPAT Bug8141243

"COMPAT" is a new name of "JRE" in JDK 9. It's not supported in 8u. I think 
COMPAT is slightly ignored and that it becomes the same thing as line 28. Line 
29 should be removed.

Otherwise, the fix looks OK to me.


On 1/14/2016 9:21 PM, Ramanand Patil wrote:
> Hi all,
> Please review the fix for bug: 
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8144988
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rpatil/8141243/webrev.00
> This is basically a backport of JDK9 bug: 
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8141243
> JDK9 changeset(for reference): 
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/dev/jdk/rev/a1aa2671f281
> Reason for the review request is because of:
> i)     Changes present in ResourceBundleGenerator.java file.
> ii)   The patch from JDK9 does not automatically apply as is after using 
> unshuffle_patch script. Few paths are adjusted as per the jdk8.
> Since CLDR became the default locale data in JDK9 leading incompatible 
> behavior with prior releases, the relevant code in ResourceBundleGenerator is 
> also backported in this patch.
> Even though JDK8 has CLDR locale provider disabled by default, the code 
> change is done to be on safer side for cases where CLDR may be supporting 
> "UTC" ID in the future.
> Regards,
> Ramanand.

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