On 25/11/2022 02:04, Ethan McCue wrote:
I suppose while I'm asking questions - what exactly are the parts of the JDK making use of ad-hoc json? Maybe we could ship *something* as a jdk.internal module for those use cases?

JEP 198 pre-dates records, sealed classes, pattern matching, ... and I will assume will re-drafted or replaced when the time comes.

Right now, I don't think there are too many places in the JDK that interact with JSON.  The `jfr` tool can print the records from a JFR recording as a JSON document. The HotSpotDiagnosMXBean API and `jcmd` tool can generate a thread dump as a JSON document. I think the only parsing at this time is the HotSpot compiler control (JEP 165) where directives file is a subset of JSON but that is implemented in C++ in libjvm and probably not what you are looking for.

There are number of places in the JDK that read configuration and it might be that some of these could consume configuration in JSON in the future.


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