On Fri, 3 Mar 2023 11:31:04 GMT, Alexey Ivanov <aiva...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Yes, iff means if-and-only-if and is used for extra precision in formal 
>> logic, mathematics. As @pavelrappo points out it's a relatively common 
>> occurrence in the OpenJDK sources, though perhaps not in the public 
>> javadocs. Perhaps a bit pretentious, but mostly a terse way to say "return 
>> true if the BSM method type exactly matches X, otherwise false".
>> The broken link stems from the fact that the method I was targeting (a way 
>> to use condy for lambda proxy singletons rather than a 
>> `MethodHandle.constant`) was never integrated. We'll look at either getting 
>> that done (@briangoetz suggested the time might be ready for it) or remove 
>> this currently pointless static bootstrap specialization test.
>> Yes, iff means if-and-only-if and is used for extra precision in formal 
>> logic, mathematics.
> I've never come across it before. With your explanations, it makes perfect 
> sense.

I would recommend (separately) changing `iff` to the expanded form `if and only 


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/12826

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