On Fri, 3 Nov 2023 05:43:38 GMT, David Holmes <dhol...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> I don't understand what this is trying to do. If any virtual thread has an 
> uncaught exception then other virtual threads will throw it wrapped in a 
> RuntimeException. But the first virtual thread that completes (normally or by 
> throwing) will clear the default UEH that you set, so uncaught exceptions 
> from other virtual threads won't do anything.
> AFAICS setting the UEH for a virtual thread works fine, so why are you not 
> setting a per-thread handler?

My reading is that it sets default UHE so it means that any thread (not just 
virtual threads) can potentially execute it. There will be tests that set a per 
thread UHE that doesn't delegate. There will also be platform threads in a 
jtreg ThreadGroup (a UHE) so the exceptions will be handled there (AFAIK, the 
jtreg TG/UGE does not delegate to the default UHE).

I think the patch is confusing because uncaughtException may be set several 
times, last one wins.  If virtual "main" completes without an exception then it 
looks at uncaughtException to see if an exception is recorded by another 
thread. It does wrap/propagate it as a runtime exception and I think the bit we 
aren't seeing is that this is handled by the real main on a platform thread in 
the jtreg TG.

If the virtual "main" completes with an exception (meaning task throws), then 
it resets the default UHE and exits with an uncaught handle. As with the 
runtime exception case, I think we aren't seeing this being handled by real 

So I think it is working but confusing to read. I wonder if it might be better 
to just put the effort into helping CODETOOLS-7903526 instead of a workaround.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/16369#discussion_r1381220891

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