On Sun, 22 Oct 2023 17:26:52 GMT, Laurent Bourgès <lbour...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> * improved  mixed insertion sort (makes whole sorting faster)
>> * introduced Radix which sort shows several times boost of performance and 
>> has linear complexity instead of n*ln(n)
>> * improved merging sort for almost sorted data
>> * optimized parallel sorting
>> * improved step for pivot candidates and pivot partitioning
>> * extended existing tests
>> * added benchmarking JMH tests
>> * suggested better buffer allocation: if no memory, it is switched to 
>> in-place sorting with no OutOfMemoryError, threshold is 1/16th heap
>> I am going on previous PR by Vladimir Yaroslavskyi: 
>> https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/3938
> Laurent Bourgès has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
> additional commit since the last revision:
>   add @SuppressWarnings (serial)

> Vamsi, Could you please run benchmarking with derived classes from jdk and my 
> version? 
> https://github.com/iaroslavski/sorting/blob/master/radixsort/DualPivotQuicksort_a01.java
> https://github.com/iaroslavski/sorting/blob/master/radixsort/DualPivotQuicksort_a02.java
> https://github.com/iaroslavski/sorting/blob/master/radixsort/DualPivotQuicksort_r01.java
>  II hope i allows us to detect the root of such behaviour.
> I see you used not the latest ArraysSort, I pointed to 
> https://github.com/iaroslavski/sorting/blob/master/radixsort/ArraysSort.java
> It is not critical, but it will be better to be in the same environment, see 
> increased warmup, specified parameters for run and updated data sets 
> @WarmUp(iterations = 2, time = 3, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS) 
> @measurement(iterations = 4, time = 3, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS) 
> @fork(value=1, jvmArgsAppend={"-XX:CompileThreshold=1", 
> "-XX:-TieredCompilation"})

Hello Vladimir (@iaroslavski),

Please see the performance data below using the updated ArraysSort.java using 
the settings you suggested.
Thank you for your understanding and patience!


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Benchmark   (us/op) | Builder | (size) | Stock JDK     (+ AVX512 sort) | 
DPQS_a01     (+ AVX512 sort) | Speedup
-- | -- | -- | -- | -- | --
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | RANDOM | 600 | 2.256 | 2.069 | 1.09
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | RANDOM | 9000 | 41.457 | 42.359 | 0.98
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | RANDOM | 20000 | 98.448 | 99.709 | 0.99
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | RANDOM | 400000 | 2820.939 | 2867.054 | 0.98
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | RANDOM | 3000000 | 23426.411 | 23811.912 | 0.98
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | REPEATED | 600 | 1.032 | 1.309 | 0.79
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | REPEATED | 9000 | 5.114 | 5.026 | 1.02
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | REPEATED | 20000 | 10.3 | 12.02 | 0.86
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | REPEATED | 400000 | 210.742 | 234.39 | 0.90
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | REPEATED | 3000000 | 1948.589 | 1972.167 | 0.99
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | STAGGER | 600 | 2.125 | 2.077 | 1.02
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | STAGGER | 9000 | 29.86 | 28.353 | 1.05
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | STAGGER | 20000 | 67.096 | 80.237 | 0.84
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | STAGGER | 400000 | 1247.53 | 1241.979 | 1.00
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | STAGGER | 3000000 | 9435.404 | 9720.086 | 0.97
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | SHUFFLE | 600 | 2.701 | 2.653 | 1.02
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | SHUFFLE | 9000 | 38.976 | 40.214 | 0.97
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | SHUFFLE | 20000 | 96.399 | 94.587 | 1.02
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | SHUFFLE | 400000 | 2566.338 | 2571.189 | 1.00
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | SHUFFLE | 3000000 | 20835.935 | 21026.27 | 0.99



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Benchmark   (us/op) | Builder | (size) | Stock JDK     (+ AVX512 sort) | 
DPQS_a02     (+ AVX512 sort) | Speedup
-- | -- | -- | -- | -- | --
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | RANDOM | 600 | 2.256 | 2.248 | 1.00
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | RANDOM | 9000 | 41.457 | 41.284 | 1.00
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | RANDOM | 20000 | 98.448 | 97.855 | 1.01
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | RANDOM | 400000 | 2820.939 | 2814.225 | 1.00
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | RANDOM | 3000000 | 23426.411 | 23227.972 | 1.01
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | REPEATED | 600 | 1.032 | 1.063 | 0.97
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | REPEATED | 9000 | 5.114 | 5.094 | 1.00
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | REPEATED | 20000 | 10.3 | 10.409 | 0.99
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | REPEATED | 400000 | 210.742 | 215.049 | 0.98
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | REPEATED | 3000000 | 1948.589 | 1921.44 | 1.01
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | STAGGER | 600 | 2.125 | 1.857 | 1.14
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | STAGGER | 9000 | 29.86 | 29.712 | 1.00
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | STAGGER | 20000 | 67.096 | 66.779 | 1.00
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | STAGGER | 400000 | 1247.53 | 1227.183 | 1.02
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | STAGGER | 3000000 | 9435.404 | 9457.907 | 1.00
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | SHUFFLE | 600 | 2.701 | 2.676 | 1.01
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | SHUFFLE | 9000 | 38.976 | 39.283 | 0.99
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | SHUFFLE | 20000 | 96.399 | 94.128 | 1.02
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | SHUFFLE | 400000 | 2566.338 | 2551.235 | 1.01
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | SHUFFLE | 3000000 | 20835.935 | 20628.565 | 1.01



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Benchmark   (us/op) | Builder | (size) | Stock JDK     (+ AVX512 sort) | 
DPQS_r01     (+ AVX512 sort) | Speedup
-- | -- | -- | -- | -- | --
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | RANDOM | 600 | 2.256 | 1.713 | 1.32
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | RANDOM | 9000 | 41.457 | 38.316 | 1.08
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | RANDOM | 20000 | 98.448 | 86.376 | 1.14
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | RANDOM | 400000 | 2820.939 | 2792.333 | 1.01
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | RANDOM | 3000000 | 23426.411 | 23711.885 | 0.99
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | REPEATED | 600 | 1.032 | 0.859 | 1.20
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | REPEATED | 9000 | 5.114 | 5.014 | 1.02
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | REPEATED | 20000 | 10.3 | 9.532 | 1.08
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | REPEATED | 400000 | 210.742 | 235.281 | 0.90
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | REPEATED | 3000000 | 1948.589 | 1955.258 | 1.00
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | STAGGER | 600 | 2.125 | 2.157 | 0.99
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | STAGGER | 9000 | 29.86 | 29.931 | 1.00
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | STAGGER | 20000 | 67.096 | 66.543 | 1.01
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | STAGGER | 400000 | 1247.53 | 1224.999 | 1.02
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | STAGGER | 3000000 | 9435.404 | 9495.189 | 0.99
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | SHUFFLE | 600 | 2.701 | 1.64 | 1.65
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | SHUFFLE | 9000 | 38.976 | 34.201 | 1.14
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | SHUFFLE | 20000 | 96.399 | 79.616 | 1.21
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | SHUFFLE | 400000 | 2566.338 | 2436.271 | 1.05
ArraysSort.Int.testSort | SHUFFLE | 3000000 | 20835.935 | 20071.12 | 1.04




PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/13568#issuecomment-1828868104
PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/13568#issuecomment-1828869075
PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/13568#issuecomment-1828869933
PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/13568#issuecomment-1828870641

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