On Mon, 18 Mar 2024 18:08:23 GMT, Mandy Chung <mch...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> > Yes we do. The main reason being that the `jdk` image has more to it than 
> > just the image. `src.zip`, CDS data, `demo` and so on. We don't want to 
> > duplicate that. To us, including the `jmods` folder is something that comes 
> > into play when actually producing the bundles of the JDK. The linkable 
> > runtime option allows for a more flexible distribution of the resulting 
> > JDK. With or without packaged modules without limiting `jlink` usage (for 
> > the common use-cases).
> I'm not sure how keeping packaged modules is related to `src.zip`, CDS data, 
> `demo` and so on as they are the targets after `images/jdk` is built.

What I mean to convey is that how the directory tree in `images/jdk` looks like 
shouldn't change based on the `--enable-linkable-runtime-image` configure flag. 
That is, there will be a `images/jdk/jmods` folder if not also 
`--disable-keep-packaged-modules` is given.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/14787#issuecomment-2004668722

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