On Wed, 3 Apr 2024 20:17:39 GMT, Joe Darcy <da...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> When new language features are added, the javax.lang.model may need to be 
> updated. For certain classes of features, the API update includes introducing 
> a new set of concrete visitors to handle the language feature.
> The API scaffolding to support the new feature tends to be considerably 
> larger than the API specifically for the new feature.
> To aid work in progress (such as https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/18509) 
> and anticipated in the future, I think it would be helpful to introduce a 
> persistent set of preview visitors independent of any particular language 
> change.

> When new language features are added, the javax.lang.model may need to be 
> updated. For certain classes of features, the API update includes introducing 
> a new set of concrete visitors to handle the language feature.
> The API scaffolding to support the new feature tends to be considerably 
> larger than the API specifically for the new feature.
> To aid work in progress (such as #18509) and anticipated in the future, I 
> think it would be helpful to introduce a persistent set of preview visitors 
> independent of any particular language change.

When one of the preview visitors is subclassed, javac emits a warning like:

javac VisitorTest.java 
VisitorTest.java:2: warning: [preview] ElementKindVisitorPreview is a 
reflective preview API and may be removed in a future release.
public class VisitorTest extends 
javax.lang.model.util.ElementKindVisitorPreview {
1 warning

Once these preview visitors are present, the particular API to support language 
change P can be added and reviewed without being dwarfed in the overall 
scaffolding. The anticipated usage would be:

Methods particular to supporting preview feature P can be annotated accordingly 
to indicate that usage.
When P goes to a final feature, a new set of JDK $N visitors would be inserted 
between to latest numbered set of visitors and the preview visitors. Methods 
particular to P would be moved up into the new JDK $N visitors.

For example, if feature P when final in JDK 25, there would be a new set of JDK 
25 concrete visitors extended the existing JDK 14 visitors and superclass of 
the preview visitors would be changed from the JDK 14 visitor to the 
corresponding JDK 25 visitor. Methods associated with feature P would be moved 
up from the preview visitors into the JDK 25 visitors.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/18609#issuecomment-2035521547

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